Mickey ^_^

That's my pet ! Her name is Mickey. Sounds odd right ? It has to because even she's extraordinary for me. She's funny, brainy and helping like Mickey mouse. 

She was licking her nose and I had the right click. Seems so magical, doesn't it ? I was about to open the chain from her collar and she got so happy.

She loves biting and chewing anything she snaps at. She has chewed at least half a dozen of my family's footwear ! She likes biting and chewing slippers and her chain. She has broken over four to five chains till now !

She saw a squirrel and was getting ready to catch it :-p 

Many people think she's dangerous but she's actually not. She's ten times sweeter and cuter than you are thinking right now. Having a pet dog of my own still I am afraid of some dogs but I never let anyone hurt any dog or any animal, I myself never do.

So guys if you ever see any stray dog in your street do not ill treat them because they also have a life. Your pets are a part of your family. 

You might be thinking why I wrote about my Labrador in this crafts blog, right ? I wrote this because our pets are also a craft of God.

xoxo !


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